Sns 203 Conc. 16Oz

Sale price$19.99
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Made of 100% pure rosemary and clove botanical extracts, this pesticide has been developed to control damaging soil-borne pests. These types of pest insects will feast on delicate roots and stalks and thrive in high-moisture growing environments. The carefully formulated components of SNS 203 will cause the pests to dehydrate and die; but this formula will also help clear out fungus and algae, which cuts down on food sources for pests.

The ingredients in SNS 203 are processed in-house by Sierra Natural Science to ensure consistency and full potency in each batch. All botanical extracts are food-grade materials, highly water-soluble and completely biodegradable.

  • Created as a root drench, but equally effective as a foliar spray and in hydroponics
  • Can be used on a broad range of plants, fruits, and vegetables
  • No restricted entry interval (0-hr REI)
  • Non-toxic and safe to use around people and pets when used as directed
  • Exempt from EPA registration as a minimum risk pesticide under FIFRA 25b

This Product Controls These Pests or Diseases: Use to kill and repel Fungus Gnats, Root Aphids, Thrips, Shore Flies and Whiteflies.

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